Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sweet & Sour Cabbage

Cabbage, most people have a definitive opinion about it, you love it or you hate it. I happen to love it but it's probably because of my German heritage and as a result I ate it frequently growing up. That being said, for some reason I forget about it as a side dish these days which is unfortunate since it is one of the healthier veggies for you. 
I am trying to get better at using up what's in my fridge and when checking out the state of affairs in there yesterday I found 1/2 a cabbage (left over from making Ichiban noodle salad, yummy memories:) and decided it must be used today.
I flipped through my recipe book and decided on the Sweet & Sour Cabbage recipe from my mom (no idea where she got it from originally) and that I would make the same meal she always made. Hamburgers, mashed potatoes and the sweet & sour cabbage. 
Sweet & Sour Cabbage
Sauté (as much or as little as you would like) finely diced onion in a bit of olive oil.
Add 1/3 cup vinegar and 1/3 cup sugar. 
Stir to dissolve and season with salt and pepper. 
Add 1/2 head of cabbage thinly sliced.
Cook over low heat until cabbage is soft and liquid is absorbed. About 1 hour. 

Brad didn't like it on its own but loved it on top of his burger and said I need to make it again. 
I could of ate the WHOLE pot. 

I hope I remember to make this again soon. 

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