Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Snack Time - Jose's Oatmeal Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies

A snowy day has to mean baking, right? Today was the perfect day to bake. So I wandered over to see what I had in the pantry to put into some cookies. Slim pickings (especially once I through out some of the items I came across, ewwwwe) but I found mini M&M's, peanut butter and oatmeal. Then I needed a recipe so I turned to and found 2. I didn't have the nuts required for the first so I tried option two.

It took a couple of tries to get the baking right, not a recipe fault but operator error.  I was trying to short cut and do two sheets at once, they were too soft. So I turned up the oven a bit and then they were too hard. When I did one sheet at the correct temperature for the exact time they were perfect. Go figure. LOL

These were great. 
I will make them again. 

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