Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sweet Potato & Kale Frittata with Goat Cheese

I loooooooove frittata's!! Fast, easy and healthy. A great combo!!

My sister recommended this recipe. She found it on Pinterest.

I had a moment of panic while making this, I opened up my goat cheese and it was moldy. Cheese makes everything better, especially goat cheese. What to do? After the panic passed I remembered that I had some in the freezer, but it was frozen. What to do now? I tossed it in the microwave for 3 minutes on power level 20. It warmed up enough that I could hack off a chunk. Then much to my surprise, it cut really nicely and made beautiful frozen crumbles. To make sure they would melt I tossed them on top half way though baking it. Worked like a charm.

Brad thought that the goat cheese clashed with the sweet potato, but enjoyed it. I loved it. And our little sweet pea scarfed her whole piece.
I will definitely make this again.

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