Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Croissant French Toast

Everyone knows that "freshest is bestest" when it comes to croissants. So, what do you do when you bought a package of 8 and only ate 4? Make Croissant French Toast!!

I don't remeber what I was searching when I stubbled upon this recipe on but I printed it off and held onto it in my "to make" pile of recipes. I am glad that I did.

Heather - 10 - "This is my new favorite French Toast batter"
Brad - 8 - "Too soggy"
Herb & Donna - 10 - "We'll come back again"

This French Toast was a bit soft, but I think that's just the nature of the Croissants. The orange flavor in this fantastic which is why I will use the recipe again and again and again for French Toast in the future.

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