Monday, December 20, 2010

Joel's "Beary" First Birthday

This post isn't a recipe but we did bake and decorate this and wanted to share.

I (Heather) haven't decorated a cake in years and have never used fondant so I was a bit apprehensive about tackling this.
I found the 3D cake pan this summer and bought it for Joel as his birthday present and then I found the pattern for the clothes on line and temporary tattoos to use for the decal. It took about 3 1/2 hours for us to decorate the cake with the help of Kandy's cousin Theresa. With a couple of drinks in our hands it was a fun evening.

If anyone wants to borrow the pan, just let us know!



Joel with his cake!

Cookies for everyone to take home!

1 comment:

Cheerios_Addict said...

Wow! That's an amazing cake. Very impressive!!